Monday, July 14, 2008


Do ya'll have a nickname from your childhood?

Mine is Punk. My daddy always called me "Punk er Dunk" and my sister is really the only one that ever calls me that but she has shortened it to Punk!

While at mom's on the 4th, I walked into the house and my cousin Brian says hey and tells me he almost called me punk. This made me laugh.

So we talked about nicknames we had as kids.

Brian- Brian Allen

His brother Don - GOOB (LOL) sorry Don but I love it. I don't know where it came from but that is what we called him growing up. If you are reading this Don , I love you even when you were GOOB!

Tammy (my sis)- I don't think she had a name growing up but she is now Tammy Lou! I had some names for her but they weren't very nice. I was a mean kid! Sorry Tammy Lou, you know I love you.

Some others in our family-

Tonya- Scooter

Schonda- Shon Shon

Kevin- Cotton top

Leslie- Tiensy

Preston- Bub

And Cocomama was born because my daughter wanted a nickname from me and we decided Coco was the name for her.

Her daddy has always called her Fred!

I am sure their are more but I can't think of any!

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