Sunday, July 18, 2010


Friday night after work we went out to eat at Dixie Cafe. Coco and I love it, Scott would rather eat McDonalds than Dixie but he gave in to our desires. Good man

When Coco and I were talking about our friend Darleen passing away. She had the idea that she wanted to take the money she had left over from her birthday and go make Stephanie (her bff and Darleens daughter) a build a bear for something to sleep with and a reminder of her momma. This was totally her idea and I am so proud of her for thinking of it. After eating we went to Build a Bear to make a bear. We ended up making 2 so that they would have matching ones. Except we put a heartbeat and I Love You sounds in Stephanies bear. We will be mailing it to her this week.

I had a small list of items we needed from the grocery store so we went by Walmart before going home. They had the school supplies lists out.

Coco's list was not long this year. It was kind of sad, she didn't need GLUE this year. That is another reminder that she is growing up. I love buying school supplies and it look forward to it each year with Coco. She was even excited this year. We got her backpack at Target today.

Saturday we spent lounging at home, cleaning and resting. Coco went to her friend Maggie's birthday party at the Arkansas Naturals baseball game. She didn't get home until after 11pm and waiting up for her made us think about what it will be like when she starts going out on Saturday nights. Scott and I drove into Wendys to get a burger , we got it to go and just ate in the car. We had both been working and didn't feel like getting all dressed up to go out. Even though it was just an hour we enjoyed that time talking just the 2 of us.

Today we visited a new church. Some friends invited us to hear a special speaker on Creation. We invited my sister and her family to come with us because we knew my nephew would enjoy the dinosaur part of the presentation. We ended up seeing several friends there. We ate lunch at Backyard Burger.
I came home and took a 3 hour nap while Scott and Coco went to Nana's to ride the 4wheeler. They ended up taking a nap over there too.

I have to tell you how God works so amazingly. Friday I had a conversation with a coworker that doesn't believe in God. I felt very frustrated when I got home because I felt ill equiped to discuss the science that she believes. I was so caught off guard and this is not something I have encountered before. Anyway the speaker at church today was a man from Creation International out of Atlanta. We bought a couple of books, Answers to the most common questions on Creation vs Evolution and Refuting Evolution. God knew I needed this after the conversation on Friday.


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