Tuesday, November 17, 2009


I want a new couch and I am leaning towards something neutral, unlike what I currently have. I have loved this couch and it took me over a year to find it. I am NOT a impulse furniture buyer. It is showing some wears and tears and Scott says we can't buy a new one until Coco learns to stop jumping on it.

Here is old faithful! It has been good for a many a nap.

And here she is with a new slipcover.
I like the chocolate brown cover but after having it on for a few days it is a pain to keep it all tucked in and the fabric shows every little speck of lint. It does hide the piping coming out and the little tear. I went today to buy some giraffe print pillows that I had seen at Kirklands but they didn't have them in the Rogers store so I will have to look elsewhere or I just thought I maybe can find them online.
Enough about the couch. Are you watching BIGGEST LOSER? I felt so bad for Rebecca tonight but she didn't let being sent home stop her. She looks AMAZING. I can relate to wanting to be the person she always wanted to be. Unlike her I want to be the person I used to be. I couldn't gain weight growing up and when I hit 28 years old the pounds slowly started piling on and now I want to lose 80lbs. I wish I had trainers like that here or could afford to pay one. I am going to print off her photos for inspiration. I also found a Biggest Loser book on clearance at Barnes the other day so I am going to delve into it to see what kind of tips I can use! She is going to be on Jay Leno so I am off to watch her.

1 comment:

Jen @ tatertotsandjello.com said...

I love slipcovers. Yours looks great!
