Tuesday, November 11, 2008


This is for you Ashley! Scott is down in his back from packing this thing around to get it out of the woods and getting it hung up to skin and back down to take to the butcher.

He is having lots of breakfast sausage and jerky made from it, along with ground meat for chili!

I have the day off for Veterans Day. I think I will go do some early Christmas shopping! I have a hankering for TJ Maxx. Haven't been there in weeks.

On my list to purchase today.
Black & brown boots for Coco
Digital Camera for Coco
Barbie/baby doll for Kaylee
Christmas outfit for Coco
Some things for our secret santa gifts
Operation Christmas child gifts

Wish me luck. I can't seem to find boots for her anywhere.



Mountain Mama said...

Awesome! Thanks for putting a dead and bloody deer on your blog for me and my boys' sake.

Way to go Scott!

Kim said...

Did you find the boots for C?

Kim said...

I have to get mine at Dillards every year for Loren. Yes, they are expensive but I usually sell them in the garage sale and make $10 back per pair. I could only find them there this year.