Sunday, June 1, 2008

My crazy husband! Post #2 for Sunday

Post #2 for Sunday. Do you know where we just went? Sonic for ice cream, can you believe that. It is 10:30 at night I told him, but if you want to go I will go with you. Anything for my man. I took a photo of the menu to show you but I am to lazy to load it and I can't find the little cord so I can plug it up straight to the computer. The little waitress asked me why I was taking photos of the menu. I told her for my blog and she thought that was cool. I told Scott I hoped she knows what a blog is and he said "Honey at her age she probably does". Well, I got a chocolate sundae with butterfinger sprinkled on top and he got a butterfinger blast. This has got to stop. I have 56 days before I turn "40" and I want to lose 25 more pounds. Yea good luck with that, huh!

Before I forget it I want to tell you about a conversation Coco and I had the other day.
We were getting in the car to go somewhere.

Coco, "Mom the gas prices might go down"

Me, "Really why is that?"

Coco, "I wrote to the president"

Me, "Oh, when did you do this" (trying hard not to giggle)

Coco, "At school today, we are studying history this week" (last week of school and they had to find something for them to do)

Me, "Well honey I hope your letter makes him lower the gas prices"

She said it with such confidence, I couldn't help myself I told her to see if the teacher would make me a copy for my scrapbooking. I got the letter, it is was adorable. I love to see the innocence that she has at this age, the belief that a request like that might be granted. Bless her little heart! I can't help but love her to death.

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